Buy a Brick

Join Us in Building a Magical Road to the Future

Act now—you can still join the Dallas Children's Theater Walk of Fame. Leave a legacy for your child with a commemorative brick on the Dallas Children's Theater Walk of Fame, the centerpiece of the landscaped courtyard surrounding the Rosewood Center.

You will have fun with your little ones finding the names of friends and relatives on bricks permanently installed at the entrance of the Rosewood Center.

Purchasing a Brick is simple, safe and secure.
Simply click on a brick size or the "Buy a brick" links below, then you will be directed to DCT's online giving platform, where you can enter in all of the details about your brick.

4 x 8 Brick

6 X 12 Brick

12 X 12 Brick


Up to 3 lines
16 characters/spaces per line

Buy a brick


Up to 5 lines
18 characters/spaces per line

Buy a brick


Up to 10 lines
20 characters/spaces per line

Buy a brick


Concrete benches may also be purchased at $1,000 each.

For more information, contact Elizabeth Ross at or 214-978-0110 x 174.

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Rosewood Center    Map It
5938 Skillman, Dallas, Texas 75231

We extend our appreciation to our current Brick Donors. Thank you.

Dawn and Todd Aaron
Steve and Carol Aaron
S. Paige Adams
John Alban
Teresa Cefalo Alexandrou
Julie Allen
Peter and Jennifer Altabef
James C. Amrhein
Barbara Anderson
Lana Andrews
Clotheshorse Anonymous
Retta Van Aukin
Christen Armer
John R. Clutts and Dr. Sami Arslanar
Vernon & Claudia Bailey
David & Lisa Barbour
Rita and Amy Spence Barnes
Linda Barnes
Steve & Gilian Baron
Carolyn Barth
Lorlee Bartos
Laura Barzune
Brian & Susan Beaty
Martti and Cookie Benson
Lorin Berland
Gina Betts
Vicki Blankenship
Beverly and Bob Blumenthal
Lisa & Jeff Underwood Bohannon
Elly Lindsay & Randy Bonifay
Scott Bossier
Allison and Chris Bovard
Barbara Brice
Mary Lee and Michael Broder
Ann Brown
Tim Brown
Rick Andrew & Diane Buchanan
Elliott Burdette
Alex Burton
Dani Butowsky
Winslow Candace
Edna Cannata
Malcolm Carradine
Susan Carp
Sis Carr
Martha L. Carroll
James and Melissa Carry
Gene Carter
Jennifer Cassell
Ambryanna Cervantes
Mary Alice Chapman
Mona and Kendall Cochran
Michael Cohen
Jean Coleman
Community Connection
Kent and Meg Connie
Carole Cook
Laurie Corson
Juliette and Ross Coulter
Mary Covington
Kathy Crow
Yvonne Crum
Nancy B. Cullers
Maury Cunningham
Ann Dannis
Bo Davis
Florence Davis
Amy Davison
Geri Bishop Davison
Tom & Melissa Deakins
Elaine and Dan DeMeyer
Pam Denesuk
George Deuillet
Nina deVassal
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Diamond
Heidi Dillon
Lindsay Dolan
Sandy Donsky
Dan & Cari Dooley
Mary and Neil Dorflinger
Katherine Downey
Samantha L. Durst
John and CJ Early
Mrs. Allen Early
Larry Engel
Tucker Enthoven
Michael and Joyce Ernst
Jeanne and Sanford Fagadau
Patsy and Tom Fagadau
Barb G. Farmer
The Dembny Family
Diane Feffer
Dana Feldman
Nancy Fellman
Julie Fields
Betsy Fijolek
Lynn and Stanley Fine
Curtis Law Firm
Lori and Scott Raskin Finkelston
Robyn Flatt
Shirley Fletcher
Stacy E Fore
The Hersh Foundation
Suzanne Frankenfeld
Barry and Laura Friedman
Janelle Friedman
Deborah A. Fuller
Jeanann Galvis
Heather Gardere
David Garza
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gaupp
Les Geiter
Daryl and Henry Gelender
Lisa and David Genecov

Bronwyn Geyer
Lori Glazer
Cathy Glick
Beth Gold
Rita Sue Gold
Lisa and Neil Goldberg
Cindy Golden
Dana Golman
Luis Gonzalez
Martha Goodman
Bill and Mona Graue
Lisa and Adam Gray
Debbie Green
Marvin and Sylvia Greenberg
Michael Gonzales
Jane Greene
Alan Greenspan
Jennifer Greenspan
Lizzy and Jules Greif
Beverly Grogan
Ryan Grogman
Kara Guerin
John and Jo Guittard
Michelle Hall
Karol Keils-Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harbison
Elaine Hawkins
Patricia Heaney
Ann and Jim Hembleton
Josefina Hernandez
Deb Herod
Julie Hersh
Judy Hicks
Emily Hillsman
Ladd and Cindy Hirsch
Gloria Hocking
Lissa and Frank Holland
Cecilie and Ronnie Robert Holman
Elizabeth Holman
Eric Howard
Frieda & Robert Hudspeth
Caroline Rose Hunt
Holly Hurley
Tom and Vonda Hussey
Stan and Barbara Ingram
Fore Down, Inc.
John and Rusty Jaggers
Nooshi Jahani
Bob and Terrie Jenevein
Julie and Kregg Jodie
Diane and David Jolly
Bryan and Lee Jones
Cliff and Mardi Jones
Pamela Jones
Carole Jordan
David G. Luther, Jr.
Charlene Kaase
Gina Kidd
Brigitte Kimichik
Dana Kleiman
Jen and Mike Knapek
Christy Korns
Susan and Mike Kottwitz
Kama Koudelka
Al Lamb
Paula Lambert
Ken Latimer
Roger Lee Leasing
Naomi Aberly and Larry Lebowitz
Bonnie T. Leslie
Ann E. Levine
Doris Levine
Carol Levy
Kathryn and Richard Levy
Gracyn Lewins
Lisa Lieberman
Betsy Little
Robert and Tanya Little
Vivian Lombardi
Sandra & Michael Louis
Greg & Rebecca Lones
Sarah Losinger
Steve Lovett
Matt Lux
Scott Lynn
Emily Maduro
Ann Mahowald
Donna Malouf
Susan Carr and Shannon McKay
Kathryn Mansfield
Charlotte Massey
Judy Matyas
Alex McGeoch
Glenda McMenamy
Deborah Mehaffey
Janice Meyers
Don and Molly Miller
Nancy Miller
Tracy and Jeff and Bret Kaye & Julie Miller
Sara and Scott Miskimins
Mr. and Mrs. Will S. Montgomery
Renee and Henry Morales
Paul and Nancy Munger
David Murashige
John and Betty Myrick
Shari Nelson
Linda and Steven Page Newman
Mrs. Kevin Norton
Beth Oakes
Ann Ochstein
Raymond Odneal
Artie Olaisen
Greg & Stephanie Oliver

John Palter
Carrie Parsons
Clair and David Pasahow
Teresa Patton
Elaine Pearlman
David Peck
Cari Peretzman
Annette Perkins
Janet Peters
Gretchen Peterson
Leon and Marianne Piepenberg
Kacy Pierce
Monica Pimentel
Pam and Steven Pluss
Cheryl and Mark Werbner Pollman
Maggie Pool
Jill Rasansky
Melanie Rasansky
Rita Rasansky
Andy and Jean Raub
Alyson Ray
Georgia & Jonathan Rayna
Rudolph and Maroussia Reid
Kendell Miller-Roberts
Holli Roach
Carroll Roberts
Mrs. Gina Rogers
Amy and Jeremy Rosenthal
Scott Rosuck
Lizzie Routman
Tracy Rowlett
Lisa and Steven Rudner
Cynthia Rutledge
Elizabeth Saada
Vineeta and Amit Walia Salvi
Kline Samara
Kenneth Samara
Nancy and Karl Schaeffer
Eva Schloss
Rodney and Christie Schlosser
Susan Schwartz
Christopher Benton Scott
Karen Scully
Carol Seay
Stacy Shafranek
Mary Lou Sharp
Georgiana Shelokov
Cynthia Shipper
Ruth and Alan Shor
Nancy Shosid
Bart Showalter
John Sichter
Reagan Silber
Lisa Silver
Mike and Mary Silverman
Susan Johns Simons
David and Susan Smith
Kathy Smith
Emily Jefferson & Maryilyn Smith
Melanie and Bruce Smith
Jessica Snyder
Nicholas Snyder
Rick and Shelley Snyder
Joan Sostek
Buddy Stapp
Patricia W. Stein
Karla Steinberg
Betty Sternat
Anne J. Stewart
Doris Stone
Jean Stoner
Holly J. Strother
Elisabeth Struckell
Rachel Hersh and Beth Struckell
Mersina Stubbs
Craig Sutton
Erica Sutton
Natalie R. Swan
Daphne Sydney
Dr. Russell K. Tankersley
Burton M. and Rita Tansky
Joanne Teichman
Lisa Thompson
Robert & JoAnn Tobey
Fran and Jeffery Toubin
Richard and Pat Trimble
Courtney Triplett
Kenny and Lisa Troutt
Catherine Turner
Cindy and Gary Robert Turner
Jim and Julie Turner
Joanne Vaughn
Charlotte Voisinet
Dr. and Mrs. Grant Hulse Wagner
Susanne Walker
David and Harianne Wallenstein
Divia Walia
Janice and Gary Walsh
Annette Watkins
Robin T. Webb
John and Kelli Weinzierl
Michelle Weisfeld
Lloyd Westerfeld
Joanne Westmoreland
Mrs. Laura Wheat
DeLisa Wheeler
Pam Wike
William H. Wilkinson
Candace Winslow
Susannah and Michael Wisenbaker
B. Wolf
Deborah Wright
Robert Wrolstad
Sheryl Yonack
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Yosowitz
Edith Silvergold Zale
Lisa Zale


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